Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Slap a Cougar

No, this isn't a comment on U of U's chances for next month's Holy War.

A colleague at Backpacker.com sent me this news story this morning and I thought it was hysterical:

"Last week, a grandmother in Northern California awoke to the screaming of her cat from beneath her bed and what appeared to be a large dog trying to get at it. "I was half asleep and first I though it was a big dog, trying to get under the bed, and I whacked him on the rear end, like, 'You're not getting my baby,' " (Jane) Chanteau said. The offending animal turned out to be a 4 foot-long mountain lion who'd broken into the house through a glass door hoping to make a meal of the family pet. After wandering around confused for a few minutes, the cougar made its way out of the house and dashed away into the nearby woods. Bearli the cat survived with a minor puncture wound and likely severe mental trauma."


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